I just got my copy of TG here in my country recently and GLOBE, one of the cellphone networks, are giving away Hannah Montana wallpapers for your cellphone! There are sooo cool! The wallpapers are so nice and there are evn ringtones for all the songs, but it isn't free. But, you can get them for free if you are unlimited, meaning, you buy a card and use a little of your load to have unlimited, say, 2 days of non-stop texting and calling! The wallpapers are not so unique though-- there's always a theme. Like this month, it's Hannah Montana. Next month can be High School Musical... so on and so forth. Oh, big apologies! I don't have the life story of Miley Cyrus by my side, near me, so it's kind of boring. But watch out for the Noah site! I am working on it. Hey, almost forgot. I made a site for Miley, called www.freewebs.com/hannahmileycyrussource . It's kinda simple and boring but there are forums and that's enough for me. I am so busy working on the Stella and Noah site that I can't work on the Miley site in freewebs anymore. But this will be the site I will be working on the most, so please visit it often. By the way, I got this cool Vanessa animations from a site (thank you so much, vanessa.triple-star.org!) and you can use them for YOUR site, if you have any. Enjoy!
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